The Internet-based courses will have several more benefits, but I think you get the idea. The point is we are living in an ever-changing world ripe with new possibilities. The opportunity to learn new knowledge or new skills whenever and wherever you choose provides much greater educational opportunities than ever before. Education’s scope and reach extend to far greater horizons than maybe ever imagined.
However, there are several negative points as well, like:
- Believe it or not, in the online world, you’ll spend more time learning and completing assignments than you do in an on-campus course. How could this be? The meaning online is text-based, often the short courses in Lahore. To communicate with your teacher and other students, you must type messages, post answers and communicate otherwise with your fingers
- Much like there is a dark side to the notorious property known as the Power, the Internet-based courses have a dark side to it. The dark side of computer courses starts on procrastination. What Darth Maul is to Qui Gon is to a student is procrastination. Procrastination is an online course will snap you to pieces. Nobody asks you to get to college on time. Nobody tells you that tasks are due, or that tests are coming.
- An Internet-based course requires you to develop your own time-management skills. As in other stuff, if you don’t handle your time properly, you will, of course, find yourself buried under a seemingly insurmountable coursework mountain. To complete your studies, online courses require the self-discipline to set aside chunks of time. This means making learning online a priority and not allowing other things to interfere. Often, that means making tough choices.
- No-one will hear you scream in an online course. And this, for some online students, creates discomfort. Studying alone as your partner with only the machine can be frightening. In online classes, there’s no whispering in the back of the school, no wise peanut gallery comments, no imposing voice at the front of the classroom begging with everyone to listen. The online world is a very different atmosphere that some people need to get used to.
- It is a plan for a sink or swims and you can not get it both ways. If you wish to become this planet’s responsible, self-sufficient, independently minded person, then now is the time to start. Life is not a rehearsal dress. Get into it.
Therefore, It is always better to go with traditional learning unless you know how to cope with these issues. There are many institutes offering online and traditional classes like ICCAL which are of great benefit.