The problem with dry and brittle hair, also known as telogen effluvium, is that it can be life threatening. This is especially true if you have a long time history of male pattern baldness.
Telogen effluvium is a rather age-old problem. Most people never realize that it is an actual medical condition until they are experiencing the symptoms.
When your hair is thinning is due to excessive loss of hair, your doctor will usually treat it with a cortisone shot. This should help stop further hair loss.
If the cause is due to something like a virus, a more drastic treatment is needed. Usually the infection needs to be treated and followed up with antibiotics to kill off the virus causing the problem.
Also read I Didn’t Wash My Hair For a Week article here.
There are also natural methods for treating this problem, such as home remedies or using products like Shea butter to hydrate the scalp. For people who don’t want to take medications and think that natural remedies would have side effects, there are many supplements available that do the same thing.
It is always a good idea to talk to your doctor if you are having problems like these. He may be able to recommend a good doctor who can help you solve the problem, or if it is too advanced for you to deal with, he can also refer you to a specialist.
Although it’s rare, some people do experience severe hair loss from this problem. It is common for the first few recurrences to be mild.
In serious cases, there may not be any way to cure this problem once and for all. However, there are ways to make the recurrence less severe and to slowdown the overall rate of loss.
For instance, certain foods may actually increase the hair loss. If you eat a lot of processed and sugary foods, you are taking a heavy toll on your hair follicles.
Many people also have a difficult time growing out their hair due to stress. Read my review on Shea Moisture Intensive Hydration Masque here. Stress can cause the hair to break off more easily, which then creates more stress and more hair loss.
Other things to consider are having your hair cut short or having your hair dyed a different color. Anything that increases your stress levels can contribute to this problem.
One of the best ways to avoid these problems is to simply relax and let go of anything that causes stress. That’s right, no more stressful situation.