You’ve probably tried all the shampoo and conditioners available and have come up empty handed when it comes to finding the best shampoo for dry colored hair. There are some hair products out there that you can use to treat your hair, but when you combine it with the dry air and cold temperature of the winter months, your hair ends up looking dull and lifeless.
The first step to finding the best shampoo for dry colored hair is to make sure you avoid what causes your hair to become dry in the first place. You can also use this for curly hair. It’s the chemicals that are used to process shampoo and conditioners that end up drying out your hair, so in order to keep your hair healthy, you need to stop using them altogether.
Did you know that many products that you put on your hair contain a large amount of chemicals? That’s because these products were designed to take the grease from your hair and use it as part of their formula. By removing the oils, which moisturize your hair, from your hair, these products leave behind a lot of residue that then traps in dirt and grime.
What happens when you use these products? If you get a conditioning spray or shampoo, then the chemicals will penetrate your hair. In turn, the resulting buildup makes your hair look dry and dull.
Dry hair often makes your hair stand out. A lot of people have had the unfortunate luck of getting that fine, shiny hair that you see in celebrity magazines, and if you are one of them, then you know exactly what I am talking about. Now that you know what causes your hair to look dull, here are a few tips on how to treat the problem.
You need to use something to prevent dryness from occurring in the first place, so if you want your hair to look its best, you need to use something to protect it. Using a conditioning spray will not protect your hair from the elements. When you are out in the cold, be sure to use a hat or cover your head to protect your head from the elements.
Dry-haired women have also been known to make use of air conditioners when they are trying to combat the problem. While these items can definitely help, they can also damage your hair, so be sure to do your research to determine which ones work best for your particular needs.
Dried-out hair is going to look dry, so using a hair dryer is not a good idea. You might think you need to blow dry your hair with the setting that is set at the highest setting, but in reality, the chemicals in the air conditioner will only make your hair look worse.
Instead, try the following suggestions to keep your hair dry: use a diffuser to blow on your hair and then leave it out for a few minutes before blow-drying it. This will leave a great look and will make your hair look silky and even more so with the presence of air conditioning.
Using styling products such as gel, spray, and mousse will give your hair a full, lush look. To prevent your hair from drying out, try to keep your styling products away from your hair and dry it right after you have finished applying them.
Another way to avoid having your hair get too dry is to not dye hair. Check out my best hair styling tips for frizzy hair in this post. Dyeing your hair can cause your hair to end up dry and that’s why it’s usually best to get dyeing done at a salon or hair salon so you don’t have to worry about getting your hair color ruined by harsh chemicals.
When you want to prevent your hair from drying out, use a humidifier or even put your hair in a shower cap and just run it over your head with a hose. Your hair will be able to absorb some of the moisture from the air and help you keep it looking soft and healthy.