Water is the fundamental element that plays a crucial part to stay healthy and promotes well-being. Most of the people rely on home’s tap water that comes through different water distribution channels, which is often highly contaminated with numerous hazardous elements such a s Arsenic- one of the most lethal metals derived from the natural environment and contribute to severe health related issues such a s diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, and other life-threatening diseases.
Arsenic toxicity is a heartwarming health dilemma faced by millions of people globally. That comes to your drinking water by arsenic from natural geological sources leaching into aquifers, polluting drinking water and may also arise from mining and other industrial processes. Enters into your body when you drink or bathe (skin contact) highly Arsenic concentrated water and absorption initially occurs in the small intestine. The immediate effects of Arsenic poisoning are linked with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and severe diarrhea and affects numerous humans.
Arsenic and other toxic elemental contamination of drinking water has possible effects on human health which are:
1. Neurological imbalance
Heavy metals such lead, mercury and arsenic have major health effects on neurological systems including changes in behavior, confusion, and memory loss. According to research a large number of men and women shown with arsenic exposure increased prevalence of cerebrovascular disease, especially cerebral infarction.
2. Cardiovascular diseases
High levels of Arsenic exposure increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and increases the mortality rate in both male and female due to hypertensive heart disease. It can also increase the incidence of hypertension. Diseases like myocardial injury, cardiac arrhythmias, and cardiomyopathy are also caused due to exposure to high arsenic exposure.
Prevention from arsenic toxicity
If increasing problems of arsenic contamination and ill health are your major concern, focusing on reducing arsenic ingestion from drinking water can help you to protect you and your family. Don’t you know how you can reduce arsenic from water? Let PRkin (formerly Puricom) assist you. They provide the most effective and affordable RO filtering system to eliminate hazardous elements including arsenic from water and leaving your water fresh, delicious and healthy to drink. Get free shipping + instant discount using Puricom promo codes and get the let out of your drinking water.